Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bird Figurine Series - # 49

  What time is dinner time for you?!  Well, it is usually around 6 p.m. at our home.  Janine and I have never used this cute dinner bell featuring birds to signal dinner time. Instead it takes pride of place in our  living-room.  Nevertheless at times I do ring it and enjoy the sound. Just this week I enjoyed ringing it a few times while the Scarlet Macaw wind chime that I featured last week was making sweet sounds!:)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pup Admires Nature - Wordless Wednesday Linky

   Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.


Monday, July 29, 2013

Raisins & Bread Crumbs Chicken Stuffing - Creative Monday Blog Hop


Cooking Oil
Chicken Liver
Chicken seasoning (onion, skellion, thyme, garlic)
1/2 lb bread crumbs
Salt, black pepper and hot pepper sauce
1/4 cup of raisins

1. Place some oil in a frying pan and heat thoroughly.
2. Cut up chicken liver and cook it with seasoning and bread crumbs.
3. Sprinkle a little salt,  black pepper and  hot pepper sauce in the stuffing.
4.  Add raisins.  Then stuff chicken and place in an oven for 1 1/2 hours.

  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
5. We would love for you to follow some way by GFC,Google+,Facebook, Twitter or Email.
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

I also link up at these PARTIES!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Question Time

      Every weekend I will have a blog post where I ask and answer questions.  It is a good way for readers to get  to know more about me and also helps me to get feedback on a number of questions.  There are times when one comes across an item in a particular colour and can't resist buying it.  Has this happened to you recently?  Well, I could not pass the pair of sandals below. I think it is in such a pretty shade of green.  Green is one of my favourite colours.
    As usual I am participating in Friendship Friday hosted by  Create with Joy where the theme this week is What makes you smile?  When you are sad or having a rough day, what do you do to bring a smile to your face? Well, this theme has come on one of those days for me!  I meditate, do Yoga exercises, chat with friends and relatives, keep busy and of course blog!
Also linking with:-Thirsty For Comments Thursday,The Blog Strut Peacock Style,Thursday ThoughtsFriday ChaosAloha Friday Blog Hop,You Like Me! Friday Blog Hop,The Weekend Blog Hop,Follow Who? Social Weekend Blog Hop,Riddle Me ThisLovin' The Readers Blog HopWeekend Social Mix Blog Hop,I Love My Post Blog Hop,Fun Friday Blog Hop,Make My Saturday Sweet,Let's Get Social Sunday,Show Off Weekend Blog Party,Weekend WanderingsLet's Be Friends Blog HopWhat To Do Weekends,Breaking Rules PartyFeature Friday and Super Sunday Sync.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Bird Figurine Series - # 48

   We have been experiencing some windy days and I say " Blow wind blow and cool me down as long as it is not a storm or hurricane!"  Another thrill is to hear this Scarlet Macaw chime.  I have had it for many years. Janine and I always moved it to different places at our home just to hear the chimes!

Flame Of The Forest - Wordless Wednesday Linky


   Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Sew Crafty Angel - Sponsor

      A big thank you to Angel of Sew Crafty Angel for being the first sponsor of my blog.  My best wishes and continued success to you!
                                                           Hi I'm Angel
I'd like to invite you to visit my blog and look around.
Don't let the blog name fool you, it's not all about sewing.

I loooove chocolate


I host an amazing Thursday Blog Hop

I love summertime.  It's the time of year that I can play outside with my kids.
We love to be in the pool most of the time.  It's a wonderful family time.

My best personality trait is that I have a lot of patience.
Between having 4 kids running around and being a RN patience has been an asset.
My worst trait is that I'm also bossy, my kids will attest to that, lol.

My blog has been a blessing wrapped in a challenge.  
I need my blog for a creative outlet, however it is difficult to make it 
happen some days.  The kids need my attention, my husband, the house,
my 20 month old Jacob, I have a daughter with medical issues who can 
rarely manage to leave the house.  Running my blog is challenging, but I love a 

      I love to Laugh                                      Create                                                  Inspire

I love giveaways, after all, everybody likes gifts, right?

I post an average of 5 to 6 times per week.
My blog just turned 6 months old.

Hope you will come and visit me.

Mac & Cheese with Green Peas - Creative Monday Blog Hop

  I love the usual macaroni and cheese but I am always eager to add an ingredient at times. Recently I added green peas and was pleased with how it turned out.


1.1 box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese Dinner.
2. 1  cup of green peas
3. 1 cup of milk
4. 2 Tablespoons of Tomato Sauce
5. Hot Pepper Sauce (Optional)
6. Black Pepper
7. 1  chopped onion
8. 1/4 cup of butter
9. Paprika

1. Boil 8 cups of water.  Stir in macaroni.
2. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes or to desired tenderness, stirring occasionally. Drain.  Do not rinse. 
3. Add butter, onion, tomato sauce, black pepper , Original Cheddar Cheese Sauce, green peas and hot pepper sauce in 1 cup of milk and stir.
4. Pour over hot macaroni. Stir until blended.
5. Spoon into a baking dish.  
6. Sprinkle paprika on the top.
7. Bake for 45 minutes.

  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
5. We would love for you to follow some way by GFC,Google+,Facebook, Twitter or Email.
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

I also link up at these PARTIES!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Question Time

      Every weekend I will have a blog post where I ask and answer questions.  It is a good way for readers to get  to know more about me and also helps me to get feedback on a number of questions. Do you find the time to read a lot of books and who is your favourite author?  I wish I had more time to do so.  Anyway I recently went into  a pharmacy and saw 2 books by my favourite author Danielle Steel. I hope I get a chance to read them real soon. In addition I have a number of books on my Kindle for PC!
    As usual I am participating in Friendship Friday hosted by  Create with Joy where the theme this week is Seasonal Blogging. Do the seasons tend to impact your blogging habits? Do you tend to blog steadfastly year round? Are you blogging more, less or the same than usual this summer?Since I started my blog just over 2 years ago the seasons have not impacted my blogging habits. This year  I have increased my posts from to 3 to 4 every week. 

Also linking with:-Thirsty For Comments Thursday,The Blog Strut Peacock Style,Thursday ThoughtsFriday ChaosAloha Friday Blog Hop,You Like Me! Friday Blog Hop,The Weekend Blog Hop,Follow Who? Social Weekend Blog Hop,Riddle Me ThisLovin' The Readers Blog HopWeekend Social Mix Blog Hop,I Love My Post Blog Hop,Fun Friday Blog Hop,Make My Saturday Sweet,Let's Get Social Sunday,Show Off Weekend Blog Party,Weekend WanderingsLet's Be Friends Blog HopWhat To Do Weekends,Breaking Rules PartyFeature Friday and Super Sunday Sync.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bird Figurine Series - # 47

    This lovely vase in the shape of a heart featuring flowers and a bird on each side was always   special for Janine and me.  The heart is the symbol of love and as I reflect I remember this quote by Thomas Bailey "What is lovely never dies, But passes into other loveliness."

 Linking with Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop,What's It WednesdayWhatever WednesdayThe Blog Strut Peacock StyleThursday Favourite Things,  Linkin with my Ladies Thursday HopThursdays Are Your DaysInspire Us Thursday Linky PartyFavourite Thing FridayFlash Back FridayFreedom FridaysFriday Flash Blog,The Weekend Blog HopSincerely, Paula's Weekend Blog PartyReal Family Fun,What To Do WeekendsTGIF Blog Hop Lovely Blog Hop,A Peek Into My Paradise TGIF Linky Party,Show Off Weekend Blog Party and Doing You Well Wednesday.

Nature's Serenity - Wordless Wednesday Linky


   Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.


Monday, July 15, 2013

The Blessing Of Blogging - Creative Monday Blog Hop

        When I ventured into blogging in March 2011 I did not have a clue that it would lead to contact with so many wonderful persons. One such person is am amazing blogger by the name of Rosey who has a very interesting blog,  Mail4Rosey.  She gave me the opportunity to get a beautiful violet hummingbird wall hanging from Novica.  It arrived at a time when I needed something to lift my spirit.  This wall hanging was created by J.Blas who works in iron. It is interesting reading that in Mexico when someone sees a humingbird in flight, he or she makes a wish.  Hummingbirds are among my favourite birds and Jamaica's national bird is the Jamaican Streamer Tail Hummingbird. This wall hanging brought back memories of many years ago when I last saw our national bird. There I was with my twin sister and a hummingbird stopped for awhile on our verandah gate.  As I look at this beautiful bird I give special thanks to Rosey and make a wish for good health, peace and happiness.
   I knew the perfect spot for this wall hanging in my living-room, between two other wall hangings which feature a lady and a man with fruits.  Nature in all its glory!

  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
5. We would love for you to follow some way by GFC,Google+,Facebook, Twitter or Email.
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

I also link up at these PARTIES!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Question Time

    Every weekend I will have a blog post where I ask and answer questions.  It is a good way for readers to get to know more about me and also helps me to get feedback on a number of questions. Are you good at riddles?  I am hopeless at coming up with the right answers so when I got one right recently I wished that I could do cartwheels. The riddle was 'What has hands but can't clap?'  The answer was quite easy so no wonder I got it right - A clock!  Anyway I am learning new riddles thanks to Marie who has the blog Xmas Dolly.  On Fridays check out her post Riddle Me This.
          As usual I am participating in Friendship Friday hosted by Create With Joy where this week the theme is Business or Pleasure.  The question is Business or Pleasure - why do you blog?  Well, I have been a Freelance Writer for many years and after my twin sister died I decided that starting a blog would be therapeutic.  It also helped me to focus on the good times, hobbies and interests we shared as twins.  I spend a lot of time on my blog and it has grown so much that I am now trying to earn an income from it by offering a special sponsor offer. I welcome sponsorship and the details can be found here SPECIAL SPONSOR OFFER.

Also linking with:-Thirsty For Comments Thursday,Thursday ThoughtsFriday ChaosAloha Friday Blog Hop,You Like Me! Friday Blog Hop,The Weekend Blog Hop,Follow Who? Social Weekend Blog Hop,Riddle Me ThisLovin' The Readers Blog HopWeekend Social Mix Blog Hop,I Love My Post Blog Hop,Fun Friday Blog Hop,Make My Saturday Sweet,Let's Get Social Sunday,Show Off Weekend Blog Party,Weekend WanderingsLet's Be Friends Blog HopWhat To Do Weekends,Breaking Rules PartyFeature Friday and Super Sunday Sync.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bird Figurine Series - # 46

My New Pup, Tumble! - Wordless Wednesday Linky


   Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.


Monday, July 8, 2013

They Must Be On My Wall! - Creative Monday Blog Hop

      Show me an item featuring a bird and I am always so thrilled. Many persons know that I am a big bird enthusiast and of course they include relatives.  I was so happy when I received a package containing 2 beautiful embroidered birds made by my cousin Marlene in Massachusetts.  I could display them in several ways but immediately I decided that I would get them framed for my living-room wall.
   I have never seen a cardinal in real life but I think it is such a beautiful bird. I have cardinal figurines and have seen pictures and cards featuring this bird. Now I have a picture of a cardinal on my wall!
   Blue is my favourite colour so it is great to have a bluebird picture. In addition the bluebird is associated with happiness and I certainly need a good dose of that!

  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
5. We would love for you to follow some way by GFC,Google+,Facebook, Twitter or Email.
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

I also link up at these PARTIES!


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