Friday, July 15, 2011



     We have often heard the saying "A Psalm a day keeps the devil away."  Well, I find that a Psalm a day can be just that inspirational lift that one needs.

       Not too long after my twin sister's death I went in search of every inspirational book that I could find in our home, even if I had read them before. I found several but I was particularly struck by a small book of the Psalms. I knew that this book belonged to my father who died over 36 years ago but across the top of it was my name Judy Haughton-James and it was in my handwriting. I could not remember when I had read it but for sure I was going to read it again. I read it quickly and found out that it was just what I needed during the low moments.

         Psalm 23 has become my favourite and until today there is not a day that passes that I do not repeat the words. I remember many a sleepless night reciting the words of this Psalm as I lay in my bed. Oh, how it helped to calm my nerves. As I recited the words I pictured scenes that would go with them. For sure I was in a valley and needed to be strong to make my way out.

       It is therefore no surprise that I could not resist adding the "Psalm for the day" gadget to the right sidebar of this Blog. Verses from the Psalms change throughout the day and they certainly give me that needed lift every time I visit my Blog. I hope readers will also take this opportunity to read them whenever they visit. May God Bless you all.
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