Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Wonderful Coincidence!


    I started this week with another anniversary of my twin sister Janine's death weighing heavily on my mind.  I was not even sleeping well and got up very early on Monday morning.  I headed straight to the internet to check my Yahoo Mail and immediately my eyes caught an email from someone with the name Janine!  It was from Janine Huldie who has a wonderful blog titled Janine's Confessions Of A Mommyaholic. She brought the good news that I had won her blogiversary giveaway! As you can well imagine I was thrilled.  I think this was such a wonderful coincidence. Thanks again to Janine for giving me this opportunity. I am glad that through blogging I have had the privilege of meeting a lovely person who has my twin sister's first name. Do go over and visit her blog. 

    Have you ever experienced a surprising coincidence in your life?  Did it bring you joy or something good? I certainly hope so.
    As usual I am linking with Friendship Friday hosted by Create With Joy and the other parties below:

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