Monday, May 2, 2011

Josh Groban - Your Raise Me Up on Ellen Show



      Some years ago my identical twin sister Janine and I had an article published in Jamaica's national Sunday Gleaner newspaper titled 'MUSIC AS THERAPY.'  It gave facts on research findings showing the effect of music on human beings, plants and animals.  We started it with this quotation from one of the world's great philosopher's, Plato - "Music is moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything."

     I remember the days when we started playing the recorder at St. Cyprian's Prep School. We were even brave enough to play it in front of the whole school at devotion when we were in high school. Oh, how I wish that we had continued piano lessons. We were even members of the choirs at our two high schools.

    We have always found time to enjoy listening to music and our taste included a wide variety - reggae, calypso, soul, gospel etc. These days I do not get to listen to a lot of music during the week but I certainly make sure to get my fair share from the radio stations and video programmes on television during the weekends.

      As I write about this subject I am here wondering when I will be able to take up the case with CDs that Janine and I received as gifts or bought ourselves.  Not even at Christmas time am I able to listen to our many Christmas CDs.  Anyway I am happy that I can still watch and enjoy the popular Digicel Rising Stars Show which Janine and I enjoyed so much.  I eagerly await the start of this year's season.

     There are several songs that have had a great impact on me since Janine's death.  Two of them are Josh Groban's song 'You Raise Me Up' and Judy Jacob's Song 'Days of Elijah (There is No God Like Jehovah).'  I find them so inspirational.

    Whenever I hear Josh Groban's song I remember how it lifted my spirit so many mornings shortly after Janine's death. There was a talkshow on radio that we used to listen to every morning and the host always started her show  with this song.

     Music is indeed powerful! As our late reggae superstar Bob Marley said in his song Trench Town Rock "One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain."
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