Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bird Figurine Series (Valentine's Day) - # 25

     February 14 is celebrated as Valentine's Day around the world. It has become more popular with each passing year in Jamaica.  Of course while some persons celebrate in a big way there are others who consider it to be just another day.  If one has reason to celebrate by all means have a great time. I thought it only fitting that this week I feature bird figurines that give a message of love with a heart on them.  I also love the message on one of them "Love finds a home in the heart of a friend."  Happy Valentine's Day!

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A Bird's-eye View - Wordless Wednesday

Cattle Egret on top of a naseberry tree!

   Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.

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