Monday, August 6, 2012

Yellow Yam - Creative Monday Blog Hop

      What a relief! Tropical Storm Ernesto is no longer a serious threat to Jamaica and I have reason to cheer about my country's performance at the London Olympics. Our top sprinter, Usain Bolt, is from the parish of Trelawny where a variety of yams abound!  Well, I like yellow yam a lot and enjoy it whether in soup or cooked on its own. Every week I eat some. First I peel off the skin and slice it up.  After that I put a teaspoon of salt in about a quart of water. When it boils up I put in the yam and allow it to cook for about 1 hour.  Below is a picture of  boiled yellow yam.

    Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.

1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
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Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.

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