Monday, December 9, 2013

Decoration Found 1 Year Late - Creative Monday Blog Hop

       I spent the weekend looking through my Christmas decorations as I contemplated which ones to use this year. I usually choose those that were favourites of my twin and me. Of course it is always great to add some new ones every year.
        At times I receive decorations from abroad late so I put them down for the next year.  This is one of them and for sure it will be part of my decorations this year.  
     As I held it I was in for a wonderful surprise.  I felt something inside so I turned it around and found a space in the back.  Lo and behold an angel fridge magnet was tucked inside!  I have had a lot of luck with angel items this year - an angel pendant, winner of angel cards and bracelets in a giveaway and now this angel fridge magnet. I doubt I will use it as a fridge magnet. Instead it will be part of my decorated Christmas memory table. Of special significance is that this was among the gifts sent to me by one of my twin sister's former pen pals whose first name is Janine.

  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
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Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

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