Friday, May 13, 2011



        Those of us who are members of the Writing.Com Power Reviewers group have just had 2 very busy days. This month we decided that members of the group would present and review items based on a Mother's Day theme.  I must say that I was impressed with the poems, articles, essays, lyrics etc.  However I was particularly struck by the lyrics of a song by member blainecindy, titled 'JUST ANOTHER STAR IN HEAVEN.'

        When I reviewed this piece I had to tell her that I love the line that said "I know Mama's another star in heaven."  It  certainly lifted my spirit as I immediately recalled what happened during the nights a few days before the second anniversary of the death of my twin sister last year. About 3 nights prior to the date I went into my mother's room and sat alone for awhile. Suddenly I looked through the window and there shining down was a very bright star. It had an amazing impact, so right to the anniversary date I stood at the window for quite some time each night and looked at this very bright star.

     I can't explain why, but the thought came immediately to me that this was Janine telling me that everything was going to be alright. It may be that my imagination was running wild but it certainly helped me through that second anniversary.

     As I read most of the material at Writing.Com about departed loved ones they brought back such special memories. As our ProCom Link Captain Eyestar always states 'Power Reviewers Rock!'

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