Saturday, July 2, 2011



       I have often heard the saying "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass - it's about learning to dance in the rain" by Vivian Greene. In recent times it has definitely become one of my favourite quotations. I just got the great news that I was the Top Member for June on Savvy 24 Seven, a Social Network for Professionals. In an earlier article on this Blog titled 'THE LIGHT THAT SHONE IN THE DARK' I related how I revived my writing career after Janine died, thanks to the book 'TWIN LOSS' by the late Dr. Raymond William Brandt.  I know that Janine would be so happy if she was here today with me. We used to write all our articles together and I never thought I would ever be able to write again after being devastated by her death.  

      These days I write a lot about my experiences being twins and becoming twinless and it is as if Janine is here helping me along the way. It has also proven to be therapeutic.

     Savvy 24 Seven is a Social Network for Professionals.  Members can write articles on their Blogs, participate in forums, discussions and  post videos and events.
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