Friday, April 20, 2012

Question Time! I'm Tagged!

    It is time to answer some questions.  They are from Susan whose Blog is The Secret To Having It All

1.How long have you been blogging?
  For just over 1 year. I celebrated my Bloggerversary last month.

2. Are you a procrastinator or do you take care of things right away?
  I rarely procrastinate and get real busy about what needs to be done.

3. If you have siblings, are you close?
   I am from a close knit family with my twin sister and I being very close up to the time of her death.      Now I only have 1 brother as my brother Sutcliffe died last December.

4. What's the best thing about your job? the worst?
   I am a Freelance Journalist and I find that writing is good therapy especially at this time.  However it  can be a bit stressful at times.

5. If you had $1,000 to spend on anything you wanted, what would you buy? 
    In my currency, I would most likely buy more inspirational books.

6. How long has it been since you visited your hometown?
  I have lived in my hometown all my life.

7. Have you decorated for Easter/Spring? please share pictures. 
    I decorated this Easter. Pictures can be seen here - EASTER DECORATIONS

8. Do you sleep with a fan on?
    No, not even when it is hot.

9. The beach or the mountains?
    I like looking at both, not being on them.

10. If you had to choose only one which would you pick: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or blogging?
     I like Blogging best but I think all of them are important.

11. When shopping, do you use coupons or shop around for the best deal?
      At times I shop around for the best deals.

This time I am going to tag some Bloggers!:) I am asking the same questions above. If you wish to I hope you will be able to find the time to answer these questions some time.  Here goes:-
       Everyday Is A Country Song
       Comedy Plus
       How To Become An Einstein?
       Yee Wittle Things
       One Moment In Time
       Notes From The Nelsens
       The Personal Blog of seriousnuts
       Home to 4 Kiddos
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