Monday, April 9, 2012


    Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your posts every week.

  Every Easter I look forward to decorating with some of Janine's favourite Easter decorations. This year I could not resist adding a cute Easter Bunny bookmark that I received from one of her former pen-pals, Janine from Washington!
Want to link up?

1.) Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family, Tutorials,
Favourite, Helpful,Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...

2.) Link as many posts up as you like....

3.) Please visit a few posts and leave comments....

4.) It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog...

5.) We would love for you  to follow some way by GFC, Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Email. Please leave a comment so we can follow back...

 Happy Creative Monday and have a great week! 
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