Thursday, June 30, 2011



    Since I joined Facebook I have used the Status Shuffle quotations on many occasions. My favourites include those that come under the topics of  inspirational, life-lessons and life. They often come in so handy when my spirit needs a lift. I also find that many persons like these quotations. Here are some of the favourites that I have chosen:

"Strength is looking back and seeing what you have been through and knowing you were strong enough to make it through."

"Life throws things at you sometimes and it says, you can't do it.  You gotta be the one to throw things back at life100 times harder, and tell it watch me."

"My life is guided by my G.P.S...God.Power.Strength."

"Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future. Faith is having the courage to dance to it today."

"Life has its UPS and DOWNS.  The trick is to enjoy the UPS and have courage during the DOWNS."


Sharon Burke said...

Judy I have read your latest posts and I really and truly enjoyed them. Especially the poems. Keep on being strong!!!!!!!!!!I really admire your strength.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Sharon! You know how much I enjoy your posts and comments on Facebook. They have certainly given me a lot of strength on this journey. I am blessed to have you as a friend and I will continue to look forward to your positive vibes. Take care and God Bless.

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