Friday, August 19, 2011


By Judy Haughton-James

        This is a question that we often have to answer when filling out some profiles or answering questions by friends, relatives etc.  In my last post I wrote about the mystery books that my twin sister and I liked during our childhood.

          Over the years we read a wide variety of books and every now and then some friends would mention Danielle Steel as one of their favourite authors. Janine and I then decided to start reading some of her books. The titles that I can recall right now are "Kaleidoscope," "Secrets" and "Now And Forever."  We both found her to be a very good author and decided that we would definitely read more of her books.

           When Janine died there was actually one of Danielle Steel's books here waiting to be read. However it was over 1 year after her death before I managed to read it. At first I read many inspirational books, books on Twin Loss etc. Then suddenly one day while going through some things I came across the book. One word in the title struck me. Here is the title, "THE HOUSE ON HOPE STREET." I wonder how many persons can guess which word was it. If you guessed 'HOPE,' you are so right. 

           I started reading and I wondered if I made the right decision as I was scared of anything  with the slightest hint of sadness. Nevertheless I pressed on and was happy that I read it as it had a happy ending. As Danielle Steel so aptly said about this book "The House on Hope Street is about learning to live again after you think life is over.  It is about cherishing small miracles and believing in big ones.  It is above all about hope."

          These days I have been busy reading Blogs, newsletters, magazines etc. but it is about time that I also find time to read some novels again even if it takes longer than usual.  Remember I must also find time for writing!

         Well, there is yet another Danielle Steel book waiting to be read!  It came all the way from my Australian cousin Christine and what a wonderful title it has - " Safe Harbour."  Even more impressive for me are these words at the top of the book " Believe in Happy Endings."
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