Sunday, November 6, 2011


       Over the years Janine and I have always had bird calendars.  Each month we looked forward to seeing the bird of the month.  I am so pleased with the bird birthday treat that I got this year. For November I am greeted by this beautiful picture of the Waxwing on the calendar in my bedroom.
            We appreciated all the gifts we received and got a special thrill when there was yet another bird figurine for our huge collection. This year I got this figurine from my family. I like the fact that 2 birds are on it!:)
              Of course there are persons who know how much we love birds so at times we would get a card featuring a bird or two. This year I got this beautiful card from an English friend Janet:
       These all helped to lift my spirit. Oh, I should not forget the added lift I got as I stood on  my veranda and saw a flock of  birds passing. I had my digital camera but did not manage to get them in time. Anyway there will be a next time. Birds give one a sense of freedom!
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