Thursday, November 10, 2011


Thank you for joining the Friday Blog Hop hosted by myself (Nicole) at Mama to 4 Blessings and Melissa at Home Grown Families! We invite you to join us every Friday to make more blog friends!
It's very easy to join in on the fun!
Add your main blog (PLEASE DO NOT LINK UP GIVEAWAYS) link (we ask that you please follow the hostesses in the first 2 spots (Mama to 4 Blessings & Home Grown Families.) Then leave us a quick comment letting us know you are following.
Then start blog hopping!
This is a great opportunity for you to visit other blogs on the link up and comment on their blogs! When people comment on your blog please let them know that you are part of Friday Blog Hop then return the favor and follow them back! Please feel free to grab our Friday Blog Hop button and add it to your blog and spread the word!
Please only enter your MAIN blog link and please G rated links ONLY - NO CURSING please. Home Grown Families and Mama to 4 Blessings are family friendly blogs.
This week's featured guest hostess is: Judy H - J's Thoughts 
Please also follow this week's Featured Guest Hostess: Judy H - J's Thoughts.  Each week a new featured blogger.  IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A FEAUTRED GUEST HOSTESS PLEASE LEAVE ME A COMMENT WITH YOU INTEREST AND INCLUDE YOUR BLOG LINK AND E-MAIL ADDRESS.


        In my room there are several key-rings that Janine and I received as gifts over the years. Instead of having keys on them they are hanging around as decorations.  Among my birthday gifts this year is this cute key-ring. Note the red bag! It had goodies for me - delicious chocolate sweets with nuts inside.
         A big thank you to my Italian friend Robby. For many years she was Janine's pen-pal. Since Janine's death we have kept in touch via emails and have also had many interesting chats via MSN, Google Talk and Yahoo Messenger.  I know Janine would also love this key-ring. I will certainly treasure it.
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