Friday, December 28, 2012

Tribute To A Departed Brother

        Just  before 7.30 p.m. on December 28, last year, my brother Sutcliffe passed away.  On this first anniversary of his death I  thank God for the life he lived.  He was caring and always ready to help others in need. He resigned his job and came home to run the family farm after my father died. At that time my twin and I were only 13 years old.  He loved nature and so I thought it only fitting to put his picture in a frame depicting nature in all its glory. Sutcliffe lived a full life being a teacher, civil servant, farmer, politician and Justice of the Peace in the parish of St. Mary, Jamaica. We will always miss you Sutcliffe.
        Phil. 1:3 best sums up the thoughts for a special son and brother “ I thank God upon every remembrance of you."

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