Isn't it amazing how much we can link up with persons on the internet and get support from them although we have never even met them in person? I have been doing so in various groups and of course with many Bloggers.
As a part of my journey of using writing as a grief management tool I joined Writing.Com on January 18, 2010. Recently I marked my first anniversary there but did not even remember this bearing in mind that it was a time when I was dealing with the death of my brother Sutcliffe. I was so listless that I almost made my membership lapse. Thanks to Eyestar, a special member of the Power Reviewers, I continue to be a member. I have also received Cnotes and emails with words of encouragement from several members.
I am truly grateful and so happy to be still a member of such a wonderful group. Here I express special thanks to Eyestar, Breaker, eskay, Sonali, A. E. Willcox and Maryann.

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As a part of my journey of using writing as a grief management tool I joined Writing.Com on January 18, 2010. Recently I marked my first anniversary there but did not even remember this bearing in mind that it was a time when I was dealing with the death of my brother Sutcliffe. I was so listless that I almost made my membership lapse. Thanks to Eyestar, a special member of the Power Reviewers, I continue to be a member. I have also received Cnotes and emails with words of encouragement from several members.
I am truly grateful and so happy to be still a member of such a wonderful group. Here I express special thanks to Eyestar, Breaker, eskay, Sonali, A. E. Willcox and Maryann.

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