Saturday, April 30, 2011


        For many years Janine and I have corresponded with pen-pals and it is was always No.1 on our list of hobbies.  We even had the pleasure of meeting some of these pen-pals - Vicki from the U.S.A., Dominique from Switzerland and Sue from England. I will never forget the enjoyable afternoon we had at The Ruins Restaurant in the popular Jamaican tourist resort of Ocho Rios when we met our mom's pen-pal Dorothy whom she had already corresponded with for over 60 years.
       Since Janine's death in 2008 I have kept in contact with many of her former pals. Robby from Italy has been a great friend as she has helped me throughout these challenging times with positive words in emails and our chats on Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, Yahoo Chat and MSN.
      This poem that I have written sums up how I feel about this hobby and I know that Janine shared this opinion during her time here on earth.


For many years I have been pen-palling,
A hobby I have found fulfilling.
So much I have learnt,
From persons on this earth.

People live many miles apart,
But are quite similar at heart.
Interesting people, customs, places to learn about,
A wealth of information there is absolutely no doubt.

Sharing tales of failure, success, joy and sorrow,
You build a strong friendship for tomorrow.
The day may come when pen-pals meet
Each other like long lost friends they greet.
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