Statistics:     Check Google Page Rank
                  Pageviews - over 254,000
                  GFC - over 1,100 Followers
                  Twitter - over 800 Followers
                  Google + - over 700 Followers
                  Facebook Fans - over 500
                  Bloglovin - over 400
I am also on Pinterest, Networked Blogs and Linky Followers.
SPONSORSHIP DETAILS: At this time I am seeking sponsorship for my Creative Monday and Wordless Wednesday Blog Hops for the months of January and February.  At a cost of US$10 a sponsor will get the following package:
            1. An ad  on my right sidebar for 2 months - January and February
            2. An add on 16 posts covering the blog hops 
            3.  A blog post promotion. 
For further details send an email to jhaughtonjames@yahoo.com with SPONSOR  in the subject line. Payments are accepted through PayPal.

ADVERTISEMENT DETAILS: I welcome Advertisements on my blog. They can be family friendly blogs, products, Etsy shops, books and much more.  An ad on my right sidebar for 1 month costs US$5. For further details send an email to jhaughtonjames@yahoo.com with ADVERTISE in the subject line. Payments are accepted through PayPal.
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