Thursday, May 5, 2011



    Ever since I was a teenager the Daily Word magazine published by Unity has been subscribed to by my family. It is a most inspirational magazine that always has a message to uplift your spirit at the very right time.  When my twin sister was ill she still found time to read it in the morning or have it read to her. I have also found it to be extremely helpful since her death and never fail to read it early every morning.

     There are monthly affirmations, the Editor's Note as well as an inspirational article at the beginning of every month. The poems and Letters From The Heart are also very good. From day to day each month you get a message about FAITH, DIVINE ORDER, HEALING, GRACE, HARMONY, PROSPERITY, ILLUMINATION and so much more. When an entire issue is finished I even sit and read the entire month's messages again. I am really happy that my parents introduced me to this magazine.

   Speaking of Unity, over the years I have read several books that my parents bought which were written by one of their authors.  I also remember how my twin sister and I eagerly looked forward to the Wee Wisdom magazine when we were children.

   I eagerly recommend this powerful little magazine. It is definitely worth the read whether you are experiencing good or bad times.
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