Monday, October 1, 2012

The Versatile Breadfruit - Creative Monday Linky

   Have you ever heard of the breadfruit?  It can be found in many tropical countries. It is an ovoid or round fruit with a thin green skin and is usually about 15 – 20 cm long and about 20 cm in diameter. Breadfruit can be cooked in a variety of ways - boiled, roasted, baked, fried etc. My family and I mainly have it roasted or fried. When it is mature it can be roasted for about 1 hour on the stove top.  Throughout this time it has to be turned several times so that all sides are cooked. It should be soft when cooked. A skewer or knife can be used to test it. The skin is usually peeled off. It is then cut in half, the centre removed and the rest cut in slices. It can be then eaten as is or fried.
Sliced roast breadfruit
Fried breadfruit

   Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.

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