Saturday, November 12, 2011


     I am always happy to receive a Blog award and I have gotten some more over these past few days.  I will pass them all on. Today I say a big thank you to Grace who has a great Blog titled Growing Old with Grace for giving me the above award. I encourage readers to check out her Blog.

Here are the rules for receiving this award:
1. I must tell 7 things about myself
2. I must pass it on to 15 other bloggers

Here is some information about me:
1. I am a big fan of cocoa. I have it with my breakfast and supper.
2. The first time that my twin and I got published was with a column titled  'Around The World.' It was published in Jamaica's only national newspaper at the time, the Daily Gleaner. We learnt a lot about foreign countries by corresponding with pen-pals, reading books, watching documentaries etc.
3. I have a fear of heights that I would like to conquer.
4. Over the years a favourite place that Janine and I always liked visiting was the popular tourist resort of Ocho Rios. We especially liked having a meal at the 'Ruins' restaurant.  As we enjoyed a delicious meal our eyes were graced by the beautiful waterfalls.
5. My favourite fruit is the pineapple and my favourite species is Sugar Loaf. It is so sweet.
6. I wish I had more time to read novels. However when I do get the chance I look forward to reading books by Danielle Steele. I also like inspirational and religious books that lift my spirit.
7.  I am from a very big family with many relatives living in several countries.

    There are so many great blogs to choose from. I am happy to pass on this award to:
*Comedy Plus
*How to become an Einstein?
*Mommy Growing up
*A Rural Journal
*First Day of My Life
*Mom's Best Nest
*My Crazy Life
*Heartfelt Balance/Handmade Life
*Bloggity Blog
*Notes from the Nelsens
*Art @ Home
** Tina's PicStory *
*Speed of Life
*a mommy's lifestyle

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