Every weekend I will have a blog post where I ask and answer questions. It is a good way for readers to get to know more about me and also help me to get feedback on a number of questions. I have received the Liebster Award from Jamie who has a wonderful blog titled Love Bakes Good Cakes so for 10 weeks I will be answering the questions she asked. Thanks a lot Jamie. I have gotten this award more than once and passed it on to other bloggers. I love the new design of the award.
The first question she asked was - Why did you start blogging? Last week I had a similar question for my Question Time Post so I will move to question No. 2. What is your favourite meal? Roast chicken with stuffing, curried mutton, rice and peas, potato salad, vegetable salad and baked ripe plantains. A special holiday meal for me.
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The first question she asked was - Why did you start blogging? Last week I had a similar question for my Question Time Post so I will move to question No. 2. What is your favourite meal? Roast chicken with stuffing, curried mutton, rice and peas, potato salad, vegetable salad and baked ripe plantains. A special holiday meal for me.
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