Friday, November 18, 2011


      Some extra sunshine came my way recently when I received  this beautiful award from Katya Kate of  Mommy Growing up. She has a very interesting Blog and I encourage you to go over and check it out.
      I understand that this award is given to bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others in the blogosphere. I am glad that you see my Blog in this light Katya Kate!

Here are the rules for accepting this award:
1. Thank the person who gave this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions below.
3. Pass the award to 10~12 fabulous bloggers, link their blogs and let them know you awarded them.

Here are my answers:
1. Favourite colour -   Definitely blue although I love some other colours.  I have worn clothes in a variety of shades of blue.
2.Favorite animal - Dog. My family and I have had several over the years. At this time I have 2 called Dobie and Waggy.
3 Favorite number - 17.  There is a game here and one of the meanings for 17 is twins!  Are you surprised that it is my favourite number?! 
4. Favorite drink - cocoa. It is delicious and rich in anti-oxidants
5. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook. I have linked up with friends, former schoolmates and even relatives whom I am yet to meet in person on Facebook. Recently I also started a Facebook Fan Page - However Twitter is also great to link up with persons and share my Blog posts and other published work.
6. My passion -Writing and being born one of twins.  I have been writing for a long time and this Blog is a tribute to my twin sister Janine and the life we shared for almost 47 years. I have found writing to be a good grief management tool.
7.  Giving or getting presents - I like to give presents and help brighten up the lives of others. 
8. Favorite day - Sunday. It is a day when I can relax with my family, meditate and get even closer to my God.
9.Favorite flowers - Red Roses!

Here are 12 of the many Blogs that I love. They have helped me so much since I joined the Blogging world with their wonderful posts, comments etc. I am truly grateful to them:
*Every Day Is A Country Song
*Where Nothing Good Comes Easy
*Home to 4 Kiddos
*the mommyhood chronicles
*Gumdrop Pass
*The Personal Blog of seriousnuts
*Katherine's Corner

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