Monday, November 18, 2013

Let The Colours Glow! - Creative Monday Blog Hop

Decorative Candle Holder
        I have so many candle holders in my home but I find it difficult to use some of them. This is the latest one and it has a beautiful pink candle inside. I just love the colours and the fact that it is shaped like a vase.  I may light it some day but for now I will just use it to decorate a table in our living-room and as my headline states 'Let The Colours Glow!" The crochet doily brings back memories of the times when my twin and I would sit in our living-room and crochet a variety of items for several hours. Janine and I made this one.  We loved crocheting in gold.
  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
5. We would love for you to follow some way by GFC,Google+,Facebook, Twitter or Email.
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

I also link up at these PARTIES!

Please visit Miranda at PURELY BY ACCIDENT
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