Tuesday, November 8, 2011


       Although my birthday was Friday, November 4, my family decided that we would get together for a special lunch and ice-cream and cake last Sunday. Of course my lunch had to include favourites that Janine and I have had over the years - roast chicken with stuffing, rice and peas, macaroni and cheese, vegetable salad (carrots, cabbage and tomatoes) and baked potatoes. I enjoyed the meal which was very delicious.  Here is a picture  of it before I managed to have it all!:)
        We just love macaroni and cheese and have had it in a variety of ways. For my birthday lunch we had a macaroni and cheese casserole. You can see the recipe for this casserole in an earlier post A MACARONI & CHEESE DELIGHT.  Below is  a picture of it after it was baked last Sunday:
         I could not have my ice-cream and cake until after 4 p.m. It included my mom's home-made chocolate ice-cream.

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