Saturday, September 10, 2011


         I can still remember those frightening moments when my twin sister and I stood in front of the television watching the horrible situation that unfolded on September 11, 2001.  So many persons knew individuals who died or families, friends or acquaintances who suffered the loss of a family member or friend.  The loss of a loved one is a very difficult experience to handle and especially when he/she departs in a terrorist attack or suddenly. 
        Recently I learnt that of the nearly 3,000 persons who were killed about 46 were one of twins. I understand that a documentary titled 'The Twins Of The Twin Towers' will be shown on this anniversary that explores the personal stories of twins who were left twinless. According to the link "The film delves into the unique connection these brave siblings shared and the process they have endured for dealing with their devastating loss and moving forward with their lives."  The movie produced by BBC Wales was directed and produced by Olivia Lichtenstein and executive produced by Tim Green.

         It is very difficult to find words that comfort those who grieve the loss of a loved one especially in a situation as 9/11. However I would like to share these words that I have found comforting since the loss of my twin sister:-

         "Those we love don't go away,
          They walk beside us every day,
          Unseen, unheard but always near.
          Still loved, still missed and very dear." 
P.S. Update 2 p.m. Sunday, September 11. I listened to the midday news on one of our radio stations  and it was stated that about 16 Jamaicans died. This tragedy certainly touched the world.
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