Tuesday, November 1, 2011


     Over the years a very important food item for Janine and me were Jamaican patties. When we were young we looked forward to our mom coming home with some delicious home-made patties made by a lady named Mrs. Thelma McCalla. Since then I have eaten many patties from different outlets but in recent years our favourites have been Juici beef Patties. I eat them almost every week.
      These days there are a wide variety of patties - beef, chicken, cheese, vegetables, lobster, shrimp, soy etc. I have eaten the beef and chicken ones and they taste great.  If you want to have an idea how to make a Jamaican patty check out Jamaican Recipes:JAMAICA BEEF PATTY. Below is a picture of 2 Juici beef Patties just before I devoured them!:)

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