Monday, December 23, 2013

Celebrating Advent - Creative Monday Blog Hop

  I was the lucky winner of the E-book 'Celebrate Jesus' by Amy Blevins in a giveaway.  It certainly inspired me to have Advent Candles this year.  I have two items featuring  Nativity scenes that I think are perfect to surround with candles.  The first is a globe that my mom got over 50 years ago. She had two of them but now there is only one and it has been on my bookshelf for many years. It has always been treasured by my twin and me. The second one is a plaque.


  Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts.
1. Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family Tutorials, Favourite, Helpful, Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2. Link as many posts up as you like.
3. Please visit a few posts and leave comments.
4. It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog.
5. We would love for you to follow some way by GFC,Google+,Facebook, Twitter or Email.
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week.     

I also link up at these PARTIES!


Please visit Miranda at PURELY BY ACCIDENT
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