Saturday, August 13, 2011


  By Judy Haughton-James 
      August 14, is another anniversary of the day that my father departed this life.  Recently Mom and I were going through some scrapbooks and we came across this poem that was distributed by someone on the day of his funeral. I wish I knew the man or could even find out his name now. My father was a very popular politician and had a large funeral. Nevertheless although I was only 13 years old when he died I remember seeing this man distributing the poem at his funeral. I wish I knew who wrote it. Anyway my family and I are truly grateful for this wonderful poem that he wrote based on the words COUNCILLOR HAROLD HAUGHTON-JAMES. This is definitely the father that I knew and will always remember!


Councillor Harold Haughton-James
Outstanding senior citizen many sided too
Under the banner of brotherhood did unite
Noteworthy path-finder by day by night
Continued with patriotic qualities in His might
In the service of the community always
Labored relentlessly throughout life's days
Loyal Local Leader suddenly you're silent
O cruel tragedy triumph over the prominent
Rare beloved Mayor died on duty so lament.

History shall uphold your example in esteem
And posterity shall honour although you're not seen
Riches of ideal high are treasured than gold
On footprints of the noble there's measures untold
Late Great Caretaker we tribute to you pay
Death brings separation as you pass away.

Humility's crown doth mark thee for its own
And without fear or favour led in your town
Unfinished though your task you braved the storm
Great be your reward on that Holy morn
Honesty's policy displayed with delight
The ages testify of its perfection over right
O mortal consequences will baleful end
Never shall man be immune; be it foe or friend.

Jamaica laments much and St. Mary in particular
As many gather on this sad day to pay respect and honour.
Melancholy's mountain of pity today we share
Eminent and able character tributes declare
Singular man of Sandside hail "Martyr of St. Mary dear."
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