Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Big Poinsettia - Wordless Wednesday Linky

   Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.

Special thanks to my SPONSOR Miranda from PURELY BY ACCIDENT. Please visit her blog.


Masshole Mommy said...

They sure are big! And very festive.

Unknown said...

I really love this flower and can't wait to see all the leaves turn red Masshole Mommy.

Jenn said...

That is the biggest pointsettia I have ever seen!

Claire Justine said...

love that flower, wow it is huge :) thanks for co hosting Judy...

stevebethere said...

I agree they are very festive not seen them like this before only in a florist heheh!

Have a festivetastic week Judy :-)

Unknown said...

Yes, this one is quite big Jenn!

Unknown said...

This one has been at my home for several years Claire. Recently some more were planted and I hope they do well.

Unknown said...

Thanks Steve. I will definitely strive to have a festivetastic week.

Sandee said...

I've never seen a real plant in the ground. We can buy them during the holidays and they are in a pot. This is way cool.

Have a fabulous day Judy. ☺

An Apel a Day said...

That is sure a pretty plant! Ours do not get that big here.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sandee! Enjoy the rest of your day.

Leovi said...

Beautiful photos! I like this awesome plant!

Unknown said...

Thanks Leovi!

Unknown said...

Thanks Alissa!

Janine Huldie said...

Beautiful plants and whenever I see them I know that Christmas time is indeed upon us! Happy Wednesday Judy!! :)

Unknown said...

A sure sign that Christmas is near Janine!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

That is beautiful!
As a side note, I just arrived home from my visit to Negril {actually, going back tomorrow again with my daughter} - you live in such a gorgeous country. I fell in love with all the people that I met and the entire feel of the island. :)


oh, we have this huge ponsettias around here too, although they're not called ponsettias perse, because the petals are too large and not close together like the American ones...anyway, I love them. I love your new pics of you and your twin. Thank you for hosting this fun party.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot FABBY! Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Unknown said...

Hi Tammi,
Thank you so much. I am very happy you are enjoying your vacation in my homeland ,Jamaica. Continue to have a whale of a time.

kewkew said...

Wow, that is huge. Didn't know they could get so big!
Happy wordless Wednesday.

Unknown said...

This one is really big kewkew.

Tony McGurk said...

Poinsettias are beautiful trees. Congrats on No Word Verification!!! I wish more Blogger users would follow your example as I have so much trouble reading those things

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

I had no idea a Poinsettia could grow that huge!
I can only imagine the loss you must feel missing your twin sister, dressing alike, hair worn alike, only a single difference I notice is that one of you was always smiling wider. I imagine there is a story to that. Loved ones are always with us living on in our hearts and so many little details of the day and season.

Unknown said...

Thanks Tony! It is indeed very difficult to read some of the verification codes.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind comments Sukhmandir. It has not been an easy life without my twin. I truly appreciate your comments as they have certainly lifted my spirit. By the way, Janine was the one with the bright smile!:)

mail4rosey said...

Those are awesome!! I've never seen them so big. Are they a Christmas plant there? Just curious, they're THE Christmas plan there, but they never get big like that here. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Rosey! Yes, this is actually a plant at my home. It is really very big. Some new ones were planted last week. I hope they will also do well. Many years ago we had many of these huge Poinsettias.

Danielle S said...

Those poinsettias sure are huge! Did you just add a few more pictures of you and your sister on your header? I don't remember all of them from before. Whose who in the pics?

Unknown said...

They are indeed huge Danielle! Yes,the header has new pictures. Janine was always the one with the bright smile.

Maria said...

beautiful judy!!! i've always loved is my favorite color! my nani used to love them!
i hope that december is treating you well so far, my friend! xoxox

OrangeHeroMama said...

Wow! That is a huge poinsettia!!

kristine said...

Those were really beautiful flowers.. :)

Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

Ivy and Elephants said...

Beautiful and festive. Love them!


Kristin Aquariann said...

Pretty! I've never seen them growing outside a pot.

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

Now that I've visited and have grown so fond of Jamaica, I need to learn all I can!! What part of Jamaica are you in, Judy?

Stephanie said...

I've never seen them that big!!
(and I love the new header!)

Dee Dee said...

Judy, I grew a peach poinsettia in my backyard in Florida. It got huge!

Where I live now in SC, we have roads and neighborhoods named after Joel Poinsett, the man who introduced the plant from Mexico to the US! He lived here and sent the plants to his home.

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

This is really beautiful for christmas decorations.. ;)

Have a fantastic week!

WW is up here

Cathy Kennedy said...

Wow, do you grow your own poinsettias? That would be so neat. I think they are such beautiful flowers. In fact, the hand-stamped Christmas card I made has a poinsettia on the front. Have a happy WW!

Unknown said...

Warm greetings to you and your family Tammi! I live in the the north-eastern section of Jamaica. My parish is St. Mary and that is over 100 miles from where you are in Negril. One of my brothers used to work in Westmoreland so he knows Negril. I really need to go there someday. I am so happy that you and your family are enjoying your vacation here. Do continue to have good times.

Unknown said...

They certainly brighten up the place for Christmas Rebecca.

Unknown said...

They are perfect for Christmas Paula.

Unknown said...

Thanks Kristin.

Unknown said...

Thanks Kristine!

Party of 5 said...

That's a big one. I tend to kill plants, but I always love poinsettias in the holiday season.

Unknown said...

This one is indeed huge OrangeHeroMama!

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot for sharing the very interesting information about the man who introduced this flower in the U.S.A. Mary.

Unknown said...

I am here hoping that the new ones that were planted recently will do just as well Party of 5. Someone planted them for me.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Stephanie!

Unknown said...

Oh yes, we grow our own Poinsettias here at our home Cathy. There was a time when we had so many big ones. Now I hope that this will be the case in the future as we got some more planted recently.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Maria. I just love to see the colour red at Christmas time. My December is going okay so far and I wish you, Steve and Piper a great month. Christmas is going to be so special for you all! Lots of Love, Friendship and Best wishes always.

Deanna said...

I have only seen those in a pot at Christmas time. SO cool.
My entry is #63. Come by and vote for us 1 last time?

Nekky said...

One of the most cheering flowers for the holiday seasons. Big one.

Unknown said...

A wonderful flower for the Christmas season Nekky!

Unknown said...

Thanks Deanna! I will be sure to come by and vote for you today. Have a great day.

Unknown said...

I've always loved the Poinsettia. Always think of the holidays and look forward to seeing them around this season. Just lovely....

Unknown said...

Definitely a lovely flower for the Christmas season Sharon.

Theresa Mahoney said...

They are really big Judy! And so perfect for the holiday season!

Unknown said...

Makes mine look like a dwarf. very big and very cool!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jessica!

Unknown said...

They are indeed perfect for the holiday season Theresa!

TaMara Sloan said...

I love poinsettias! This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing at Tales of a Pee Dee Mama.

Little Wandering Wren said...

Wow! That's a humongous Pointsettia! You could start a new trend, put some fairy lights on it, call it a modern christmas tree and you're set for the 25th!
Have a great week
Wren #259

Unknown said...

Thanks TaMara!

Unknown said...

I like your idea Wren! Have a great weekend.

HomeFor4 said...

hi judy! first of all thanks for joining in the fun friday blog hop and for hosting this wordless wednesday linky party!!

you know what, I haven't seen a poinsettia in real life!
yours look so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thanks Rea! Have a great week!

Bree @ Twinkle in the Eye said...

They are a mark of Christmas

Unknown said...

Most definitely Bree! A beautiful flower to see at Christmas time.

Catch My Words said...

That is a big poinsetta!

Unknown said...

Thanks Kristine!

Unknown said...

Thanks Joyce!

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot! :)

Have a fantastic week!

Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

Unknown said...

Thanks Rebecca!

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