Monday, October 8, 2012

The Love of Pizza! - Creative Monday Linky

Domino's Pizza
      A few days ago as my family and I enjoyed  our favourite pizza, Domino's Pizza,  my mind drifted back to 2008 when  my twin and I enjoyed eating some shortly before her death on October 16, 2008.  When you are bombarded by unhappy memories it is good to quickly switch one's mind to happy moments and the simplest memory is treasured.
      Speaking of pizza also brings to mind the days when Mom, Janine and I made home-made pizza because we lived far away from a pizza outlet.  I do not have any pictures of those pizzas but I will share the recipe:

 Home-Made Pizza Recipe

1 hard dough bread
Tomato Ketchup
Sweet Peppers
1 tin of sausage
1/4 lb of grated Cheese

1. Cut some oblong slices of hard dough bread
2. Cover with butter and tomato ketchup
3. Add a layer of cheese
4. Add sweet pepper, onion, tomato slices and strips of sausages in layers.
5. Cover with  grated cheese
6. Bake for half an hour.

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