Every weekend I will have a blog post where I ask and answer questions. Are you on bloglovin'? If so, what is your opinion of it? I am on bloglovin' and look forward to getting the feed especially bearing in mind that come next month Google Reader will no longer be around. If you want to join me there just click the icon below. Please leave a comment so that I can follow back.

As usual I am participating in Friendship Friday hosted by Create With Joy where this week the theme is Quotes. What types of quotes do you find inspiring and why? What quote has guided you through a rough time of your life? Is there a quote that you share with readers on your blog? I like quotations that lift my spirit. One of my favourites is " Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow." - Mary Ann Radmacher. I shared some of these inspiring quotes in a post shortly after I started this blog -Quotations That Give You A Lift.
Also linking with:-Thirsty For Comments Thursday,Thursday Thoughts, Friday Chaos, Aloha Friday Blog Hop,You Like Me! Friday Blog Hop,The Weekend Blog Hop,Follow Who? Social Weekend Blog Hop, Lovin' The Readers Blog Hop, Weekend Social Mix Blog Hop,I Love My Post Blog Hop,Fun Friday Blog Hop,Make My Saturday Sweet,Let's Get Social Sunday,Show Off Weekend Blog Party and Super Sunday Sync.