Friday, January 25, 2013

Question Time

     Every weekend I will have a blog post where I ask and answer questions.  It is a good way for readers to get to know more about me and also help me get feedback on a number of questions. This week's question - Why did you start a blog?  I started blogging in March of 2011 as part of my healing journey in coping with the loss of my identical twin sister Janine. I saw it as a way of not only expressing my experiences but also focusing on the many interests, hobbies etc. that my twin and I shared. It has further helped me to cope with yet another loss, the death of my brother Sutcliffe in 2011. Through blogging I have learnt to find peace in nature walks, photography and so much more. In other words it is therapeutic. 
Linking with:-

Follow Who? Social Weekend HopAmanda’s Books and MoreLet's Get Social Sunday
A Mommy's Blog Design Friday Blog HopSuper Sunday Sync
Acting BalancedOhsoamelia


mail4rosey said...

I'm happy you blog, Judy. I like to come visit, and you're so nice to everyone with your comments! A bit of sunshine. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind comments mail4rosey. I am glad we met through blogging. Have a wonderful weekend.

Areeba said...

It's sometimes good to blog to express happiness and heal some memories. I started blogging in 2009 on an other site. I feel it great to talk to other people and friends from all over the world, seeing their culture , tradition and be a part of their happy and sad moments.

Sandee said...

I haven't a clue why I started. Curious I guess and then I found friends and we're still friends today. Many I've met in person from around the world. That's why I keep blogging.

Have a terrific day. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for your feedback Aree! I like your reason for blogging. Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

One thing I know for sure Sandee is that you have a wonderful blog. It is great that you have found friends through blogging and met them in person. I am happy that we have linked up through blogging. Enjoy the rest of your Friday.

Lisa Boyle said...

I started my blog originally to keep family and friends who lived far away abreast of how my children were doing. It is turned into a living scrapbook, a memoir of sorts, that my children look forward to reading each day-- that documents our homeschooling journey together. :-) I enjoy your blog, Judy. I am glad that writing it has brought you some peace.

Ugochi said...

So sorry about all the losses, I am happy blogging is helping you like it is helping me. It really helps us to pour out our hearts.
And you a good bloggy friend Judy, just so you know.
Have a super blessed day!

Unknown said...

So true Ugochi! It is also wonderful that we get to meet good bloggy friends. I am happy we have linked up. A super blessed day to you too.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your comments Lisa! You make home-schooling so interesting and we all get a chance to read your great posts. Have a wonderful weekend.

Diane Stringam Tolley said...

I's mos happy to find you here, Judy! And for sharing your healing journey with us! I blog because I have so many stories from growing up on a ranch in Southern Alberta and I hope that, by sharing them, I can remind others of happier times. Maybe from their childhood. It's all about sharing what's important. Family!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your reason for having a blog Diane. Very interesting! Have a good weekend.

Judy said...

I started a blog so I could show my handmade creations! Have a great weekend:)

Unknown said...

I am glad you have a blog Judy as I get to see all the beautiful items you create. Have a wonderful weekend.

Leovi said...

Yes, interesting opinion, I think you're quite right, it is a way to communicate without conflict and relaxed at the same time it is also a way of escape and distraction.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your comments Leovi. Have a great weekend.

Maria said...

Your three year blog anniversary is coming up soon! :) I completely agree with you that writing and blogging is such relaxing and can bring us such peace. I'm so happy to have met you through this wonderful community!! It has been awesome getting to know you, Judy! I hope you've had a wonderful day and are ready to enjoy a relaxing weekend!
Sending lots of love your way

Unknown said...

Thanks Maria! Blogging is so wonderful. I am happy that I got to meet you as a result of starting this Blog. Thanks for all the encouragement and support you have given me. I am truly grateful. Take good care and I wish you, Steve and Beano a great weekend. Lots of Love, Friendship and Best Wishes always!

Uttley said...


I started blogging as a writing outlet and to promote my book.

Your site is great!

MikiHope said...

I was kind of pushed into blogging by an internet friend! I am thankful she did--it is alternatively therapeutic and just plain fun!!

betty-NZ said...

I know we all have our own story of why we blog. Thanks for sharing yours. I'm glad it has been helpful for you. I always love it when you visit my blog :)

vicky said...

Hi! I'm Vickilicious from I'm your newest follower all the way from Greece and the "I love my post" blog hop! Looking forward to reading your blog! Stop by my 'place' when you have a chance!

About your question: I started blogging as a creative outlet, an escape from the daily routine of a (an ex) stay at home mom!

Unknown said...

Thanks bettyl! Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for becoming a Follower of my Blog and sharing your comments. I will definitely follow back. Have a good weekend.

Unknown said...

So true MikiHope. Have a good day.

Unknown said...

Thanks for your feedback Meester. Have a great weekend.

Sylvia said...

I'm sorry that you've faced so many losses in your life. It must be very difficult. I also find blogging very therapeutic in coping with my life's disappointments, especially my daughter's brain cancer and disabilities. I'm following you now and looking forward to getting to know you better.

Unknown said...

Thanks for becoming a Follower of my Blog Sylvia and sharing your comments. I am sorry to read that your daughter has brain cancer and disabilities. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I will follow back.

Inge Lakawa said...

sorry for your lost. you have a great blog. im enjoy reading it :)

im following you. mind follow me back? :)
visit my blog ^^

Claire Justine said...

Hi Judy, we stared our blogs at the same time. So glad to have meet you through our blogs :) Thanks for linking up ...

Tabitha Vos said...

I have always had an opinion and wanted to share it. It helps me express myself and to meet awesome ppl (like you)

Unknown said...

Thanks Claire! I am also very glad that we met through blogging. Take good care and have a wonderful day.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Inge. I will definitely follow back. Have a good Sunday.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Tabitha! Have a good week.

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