Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bird Figurine Series - # 22

        This week I feature some of the bigger bird figurines in my collection. The blue one was made by my cousin Karen who lives in Barbados.

Linking with -Thursday Favourite ThingsTalkin' About Thursday,Favourite Thing Friday, Flash Blog FridayFlash Back Friday, Freedom FridaysThe Weekend Blog Hop, Lovin' the Readers Blog HopSincerely, Paula's Weekend Blog PartyAloha Friday Blog Hop and An Aloha affair.


Unknown said...

Thanks Irfan! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Unknown said...

Good Morning Judy:)

I always enjoy your posts, but I don't take time to comment nearly enough:(. I love the little yellow bird, looks so soft and demure.
Thanks for sharing

Have an awesome day!

Unknown said...

Thanks Evelyn! I am always happy to hear from you and will be sure to link up with Freedom Friday and Social Sunday. Enjoy the rest of the week.

Sandee said...

Wow, you have a fabulous collection of bird figurines. Impressive to say the least. Your cousin is very talented too.

Have a terrific day Judy. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Sandee! Have a good Thursday.

mail4rosey said...

I like them all but seriously, the blue one is awesome. Your cousin has talent! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks mail4rosey! Have a good day.

Theresa Mahoney said...

Your cousin made the blue one? Wow! Very professionally done!

Unknown said...

Thanks Theresa! Enjoy the rest of your day.

retired not tired said...

I love visiting your bird figurines are wonderful.

Unknown said...

Thanks retired not tired. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Colette S said...

Those are so pretty.
I love learning new things and would love to make one myself.
She is very good at it.

Unknown said...

Thanks Colette!

Maria said...

How awesome that your cousin made that figurine!! Wow! She is really talented!! It is so pretty! I'm sure it means so much to you! I hope you're having a wonderful Thursday! Wishing you a great weekend ahead, Judy! Sending lots of love and thoughts your way! Xoxox

Winnie said...

These are very pretty.
I loooooooove the 1st one - it's my favorite this time :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Winnie! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Maria! I am really happy to have this figurine and others that were made by my cousin. My Thursday is going well. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day. Lots of Love & Friendship always.

Bree @ Twinkle in the Eye said...

I like the little blue one best :-)

Catch My Words said...

Oh, Judy! These are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

Dee Dee said...

Cool collection Judy!

Kelly Blackwell @ Heres My Take On It said...

Those are lovely. I quite like the blue one. I used to have some really sweet figurines. I had to put most away when we got a kitten. :) Thank you for sharing a peak into your collection. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Kelly! Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Mary! Enjoy the rest of your week.

Unknown said...

Thanks Joyce! Have a good day!

Unknown said...

Thanks Bree!

XmasDolly said...

oooooo How colorful. I so love nicnacs. Someday I'll post mine too I'm not sure I have birds, but I personal like prisms and fairies. Thanks you again for dropping by and leaving your kind comments with retards to our friend. You are so kind & I sure needed a few kind words on that day. Husband stayed home today - he's a bit of a mess. You see our friend passed yesterday morning at 9:54 a.m. There will be a Memorial Service for him down by the river this May on his birthday and all his fellow musicians will be there playing his favorite songs by the Stones. He would've wanted that. Thanks again my friend (I hope we are friends now) have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks Xmasdolly. I am so sorry to read that your friend has died. May his soul rest in peace. I pray that his family and friends will be comforted. I like the idea of his fellow musicians playing his favourite songs at the Memorial Service. Take care.

Katherines Corner said...

you must have hundred of birds in your wonderful collection, I love them all. But today my favorite is the Parrot Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

Unknown said...

Oh yes Katie, I have a lot of birds.I am always happy to share them at Thursday Favourite Things. Have a wonderful weekend.

Sylvia said...

OH My! I'd love to see more of your collection! I love birds and have a few figurines.

Unknown said...

Thanks Sylvia. I have been featuring items from collection for some time now. Take care and have a good weekend.

Designed Decor said...

Judy, your collection of birds must be huge! Such a pretty collection. My grandmother had a small collection of birds and I have a few of those. Thanks for sharing @

Unknown said...

Thanks DeDe! I am always happy to link up. Have a wonderful week.

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