Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bees Feast - Wordless Wednesday Linky

What appears to be brown dots are bees!
    Welcome to Wordless Wednesday hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your Wordless and not so Wordless photo posts.


Sandee said...

I had to biggify the picture to see the bees, but they are there.

Have a terrific day Judy. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Sandee,
I wanted to get as close to the bees as possible but I was scared!:) Enjoy the rest of your day.

Wayne W Smith said...

Someone has to say it. That picture is tough to bee-lieve.

Ai Sakura said...

Good thing you didn't get tooooo close! Have a great week Judy! Sorry I haven't left more comments on your other posts.. been so busy lately!

Unknown said...

Hi Wayne,
I am here laughing! Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ai! I certainly kept my distance. Take care.

Paula said...

Omgoodness! Hope you didn't get stung! Ouch!

Happy WW!

Aleksandra Nearing said...

Happy beautiful photos!

Unknown said...

They gave me some nervous moments Paula but I managed to stay far enough!:) Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Thanks BusyWorkingMama! Happy WW!

An Apel a Day said...

A pretty tree. I wonder why the bees love it so much? It must flower a lot. I heard there's a shortage of bees. We should plant more trees like this.

Unknown said...

It is a palm tree alissa. I was surprised to see so many bees on the day that I took the picture.

momto8 said...

oh my gosh...what a cool picture!!

Meryl said...

Oooooh I do not like bees......!

Kristin Aquariann said...

Wow! No palm trees in Delaware, but the bees sure do swarm my lavender plant.

♥ aquariann
Featured Photo: Sweet Potato Duck

Lisa Boyle said...

Wow, that's a lot of bees! :-) Thanks so much for hosting. I was happy to linkup some photos from our zoo trip.

Unknown said...

Thanks for linking up Lisa! Have a good Wednesday.

Unknown said...

I wish I had a lavender plant here Kristin!:) Have a good day.

Unknown said...

I am not a fan of bees either Meryl! I take pictures from a good distance!LOL

Unknown said...

Thanks Annmarie! Have a good day.

Unknown said...

Oh wow!

Unknown said...

Have a good Wednesday Trisha!

Quirky Homemaker said...

Love the palm tree! The bees I could do without! Although I know bees do a lot of good. . . we've just had our share of stings this summer! Hope you are having a good week, Judy!
Heartfelt Balance Handmade Life

Colette S said...

You have to be so careful with these little buggers.

Cool shot!

Claire Justine said...

Ohh quick thanks for co hosting Judy :)

Unknown said...

LOL Clairejustine! I was on the ready to run several times. It is good to be co-hosting again.

Unknown said...

You are so right JamericanSpice!:) I am always very careful. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Unknown said...

Hi Michelle,
I am lucky never to have a bee sting me. I wasn't so lucky with a wasp recently. Enjoy the rest of your day.

JTwisdom said...

Wow, that was something to see those bees.

May said...

For me I find them nasty in groups..
Wishing you a great day Judy..

Skylar Magazine said...

EWWW! I don't like bees! I haven't been stung since 5th grade, thankfully! I try to avoid them as much as possible.

So, how have you been Judy? I'm excited to be linking up here on Wordless Wednesday even though it's Thursday. I started at Sakura Haruka, there is not possible way to get through all of those in one day. It's fun though. I think I'm doing it wrong though. I don't know how to add a linky to my post. I'd love to learn how to do that, so I can have peeps link up on my blog. So, if you can give me some pointers that would be great.

Well, I'll be sure to do this again next week! It's fun!


Simply Delicious said...


Simply Delicious

Unknown said...

Hi May,
I only got close enough because they were showing interest in the palm tree!:) Enjoy the rest of your day.

Unknown said...

It was the first time I was seeing them on this tree JTwisdom. Enjoy the rest of your Thursday.

Unknown said...

I am not really a fan of them either Skylar!:) This was just a brave moment! LOL I am okay apart from a lot of internet problems. I hope you get to enter a link next time. Just copy the link at the top of your post and paste it in then add in the other details and click Submit. I hope this helps.

Unknown said...

Stunning that I managed to get that close Simply Delicious!:) Enjoy the rest of your day.

Maria said...

Neat picture! We have so many bees around here in the summers. One even got in our house...the kitties went crazy after it. Haha!
I hope you have a beautiful, cool and calm day, Judy!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Maria! Now and then one comes in the house but luckily I have not been stung by any!:) It is a cool and rainy evening in Jamaica. Take care.

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