Saturday, September 24, 2011


        I would like to say thanks a million to Wendy of  Pickle Jars and Pears for giving me the KREATIV BLOGGER AWARD!  It has certainly lifted my spirit. I am truly grateful that I have met her and so many other wonderful persons in the Blogging World. As a recipient of this award  the rule is that I have to thank the person who sent me this award.  I  then have to write 7 things about myself  and then nominate 7 Blogs for this award. Here goes:


 1.  I am a strong person with a strong Christian faith.  I am amazed at the strength that I have at times.  I am relieved about this as my life has been on a roller coaster ride since my twin's death in 2008.  It demands a lot of strength on this journey. I am depending on this inner strength to help me face another anniversary of her death on October 16 and what should have been a very special birthday for us this coming November 4.
2. I like to help others and can spread cheer to others even during my lowest moments.
3. I believe in genuine friendship. No matter how busy I am I find time for others.  I do not think that friendship should be taken for granted.
4.  My favourite pets have always been dogs and at this time I have 2.
5. I am a big bird enthusiast and over 10 years ago my twin and I started a collection of bird figurines. It now stands as a memorial to the shared love we have had for our feathered friends.  
6.I am a very family conscious person and have many nice relatives on both my mom and father's side of the family.
7. My interests are many - writing, reading, listening to music, watching music shows on television, learning to cook and bake a variety of food items, watching sports and I could go on and on! 
Now it is time to give this award to 7 other Blogs:-

            1. I.R.E.N.E. 
            2. Clairejustineoxox
            3.ME AND MY TADPOLE
            4.MISS ACIDIC
            6.Gumdrop Pass
            7.Where Nothing Good Comes Easy

I would also like to pass on the LIEBSTER AWARD which I got recently. I have already passed in on to 3 Blogs but would like to pass it on to 2 more.

   This award is supposed to be passed on to favourite Blogs that do not have over 200 Followers.  Liebster in German means favourite. The person who receives this award can pass it on to other favourites who have not yet had 200 Followers.
                               1.BLOGGING is MY NEW HOBBY
                               2.Southern Belle


Jennifer Hall said...

Thanks For the award. I am new to this and not sure where these awards come from . You said you can pass them on. How do I pass them on? Or can I?

Unknown said...

Hi jennielyn,
The award that you can pass on is the LIEBSTER AWARD. These awards are passed on from one Blogger to another. Recently I got this award from Itin who has the Blog Miss Acidic. I passed it on then to 3 Bloggers. I am also new to this but have been learning quickly!:) Just choose to pass it on to any Blogger who you are following at this time who has less than 200 Followers. You can send it to 3 or even 5 Bloggers. It depends on what you want to do. Take care and all the best to you.

faye said...

hi! JUDY,

I will post it if i have time.
have a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

Hello there Faye,
I was really happy to pass it on to you! Post it when you have the time. Have a wonderful weekend.

Nekky said...

Congratulations on the award and thanks a bunch for passing it on to me. The 7 things you wrote about yourself makes one to know you better. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Nekky! You are such a wonderful person that I have met through Blogging. All the best to you.

Genefaith said...

Glad to find a strong person with Christian faith. I do agree with you that because of this faith and relationship with our Creator we'll remain strong even in the midst of adversities.

your post help me know you better, you're a strong woman, a sweet friend that could be treasured for a lifetime:)

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Genejosh! I am glad that I was able to meet you through Blogging. All the very best to you. God Bless!

Think With Your Taste Buds - Chicken said...

Your site too is quite interesting. I love your 7 things about me.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Martha! Take care and all the best to you.

Nora said...

Congrats, how nice!

Maria said...

congrautlations on the award, judy!!
i loved reading about you! i couldn't agree more with everything you said about friendship. it is such a blessing to have people who you can truly trust in and feel so much love for!
happy weekend.

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Maria. Take care and all the best to you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Normies. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Anonymous said...

You are welcome Judy! I love the 7 things about you and I am so glad I met you also!

Unknown said...

Thanks again Wendy! Take care!

Jenelle said...

Newest follower from the Super Stalker Sunday Blog Hop! Congrats on the award and looking forward to reading more of you posts!

Have a great weekend! hopefully you will stop by and follow back!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Janelle! I will be sure to visit your Blog and Follow Back. Have a good Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Judy for this award. Is the first photo for real? Just an exclamation mark?

Unknown said...

Hi Itin,
I am really happy to pass this award to you. Oh yes, the first photograph was actually a picture that Janine and I took some years ago. I decided to put that one up as I was in a happy mood yesterday and it brings back memories of such a day together!:)

Claire Justine said...

congrats on the award and thank you for passing it on to me :)
great to get to know you better I love dogs too :)

Unknown said...

I was happy to pass it on to you Clairejustine. Take care and have a good Sunday!

Sheri said...

Congratulations on your awards and thank you so very much for passing them on! I am so honored by you; you are so sweet and always brighten my day! Thank you for being you, a special lady for sure!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much for your kind comments Sheri! I am glad that we met each other through Blogging. The internet is amazing! Have a great week!

Unknown said...

Thanks Penny Minding Mommy! Take care.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the award!!

Thanks a bunch joining us on the hop!

Here to return the love and to say HI!;)


Unknown said...

Thank you very much Angie! Have a good week!

Jessyca said...

Stoppin by from the hop. New GFC follower. Please follow me back at

Unknown said...

Thanks Jessyca! I will definitely follow your Blog. I am heading there now. Have a good week.

Stephanie said...

Hi Judy,

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS on the award! You definitely deserve it - I absolutely love coming to visit your blog. :)

Secondly, thank you so much for passing it on to me! :) These little sweet things are the things that make me most happy. Way to brighten up my rainy Monday morning! :)

I hope you have a wonderful day! Bless you mucho! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks so much Stephanie! I am glad we got to link up through Blogging. I was happy to pass on this award to you. Take care and have a great week.

Candice said...

Congrats on the award, Judy! And thank you so much for passing it on to me! I'm honored and just know that I enjoy visiting your blog just as much :) I will work on passing it on this week. Thanks again and have a great week!

Unknown said...

Thanks Candice! You deserve it! I am glad that you are one of the Blogs that I have found on the internet. Take care and have a great week.

drummer said...

hi ..nice share. regards from indonesia.

Unknown said...

Greetings from Jamaica drummer! Thank you very much! Have a great week!

Irene said...

Aww Judy, thank you so much! I feel so honored! You just made my day! :-)

Unknown said...

Hi Irene,
I was so happy to pass it on to you! Your Blog is great!

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