Friday, March 30, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Hello and welcome to the 7 Ways Wednesday Blog Hop where you can add the link you want to find new followers for.Add your blog or link and state how you want to be followed in your title e.g fun for all-twitter ,7 ways you would like to be followed by Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest ...
The rules are ....
1.Please follow your host Clairejustineoxox by any or all of the above...
2. Please follow your co-host Judy H-J's Thoughts by any or all of the above and don't forget to let us know so we can follow back...
3.Link up your Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest pages...
4. Please check out others on the hop and follow ones you like....
Monday, March 26, 2012

Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up your posts every week.
As I did for my twin sister Janine I have been working on a scrapbook in memory of my brother Sutcliffe. Here are a few pages:
Want to link up?
1.) Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family, Tutorials,
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4.) It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog...
5.) We would love for you to follow some way by GFC, Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Email. Please leave a comment so we can follow back...
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Last weekend my mom, brother and I took a drive through some deep countryside, a journey that my late brother Sutcliffe took so many times in his life. It wasn't a long journey but as I looked at 2 of the pictures that I took these words crossed my mind - "Life is certainly filled with clouds and sunshine."
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hello and welcome to the 7 Ways Wednesday Blog Hop where you can add the link you want to find new followers for.Add your blog or link and state how you want to be followed in your title e.g fun for all-twitter ,7 ways you would like to be followed by Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest ...
The rules are ....
1.Please follow your host Clairejustineoxox by any or all of the above...
2. Please follow your co-host Judy H-J's Thoughts by any or all of the above and don't forget to let us know so we can follow back...
3.Link up your Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest pages...
4. Please check out others on the hop and follow ones you like....
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012

Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and Judy H-J's Thoughts where you can link up all your creative posts each week.
2lbs (1kg) of diced beef or chicken
2lbs(1kg) of pumpkin ( diced)
10-12 cups (4-5 pints, 2.5 -3 litres) water
1lb (500g) yellow yam
2 cocos
1 1/2 cups(1/2lb, 250g) of flour for dumplings
1 whole hot pepper (optional)
1 sprig of thyme
2 stalks of escallion
1 clove garlic
black pepper
1 onion
1 pk of soup mix ( optional)
Place the meat, diced pumpkin, soup mix, thyme, escallion, onion, garlic and water in a pot. Bring to a boil and wait until the meat is tender and the pumpkin almost disintegrated. Crush the pumpkin further with a fork if necessary, then throw in the dumplings and peeled yellow yam and cocos. Add salt to taste. Cook for about an hour or until the yam and cocos are tender and the dumplings are cooked. This should serve about 4 to 5 people.
Saturday is usually a soup day here in Jamaica but of course there are some of us who have it whenever we wish to. My family and I have always been big fans of pumpkin soup especially Janine, Sutcliffe and me!
Want to link up?
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4.) It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog...
5.) We would love for you to follow some way by GFC, Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Email. Please leave a comment so we can follow back...
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week!
Friday, March 16, 2012
From last week I started answering some questions that I received when I was tagged by some Bloggers. These came from Candice who has a wonderful blog Where Nothing Good Comes Easy.
1.What’s your go-to meal when you’re short on time?
A hot Jamaican patty and a box of orange juice.
2.What’s your perfect day?
A day when I feel totally at peace and happy. Sadly such days have been difficult to experience since October 16, 2008. Nevertheless I hold on to my faith and do everything to make it through each day.
3.What’s the weirdest thing in your purse right now?
A small screwdriver.
4.How many siblings do you have?
Originally I had 2 brothers and a twin sister. It is hard to believe that now I only have a brother alive.
5.If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?
If I was to choose another country it would be the U.S.A. However I love living in my homeland Jamaica!
6.Do you speak any other languages?
No. I studied Spanish in school but never mastered it.
7.What is your dream job?
I enjoy being a writer but would not mind working in Public Relations.
8.What’s one modern convenience you can’t live without?
The radio.
9.What’s your musical guilty pleasure?
Reggae, the national music of my country.
10.What three words best describe you?
Reserved, honest and caring.
11.What’s one goal you’d like to accomplish in your lifetime?
I would like to publish a book.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Hello and welcome to the 7 Ways Wednesday Blog Hop where you can add the link you want to find new followers for.Add your blog or link and state how you want to be followed in your title e.g fun for all-twitter ,7 ways you would like to be followed by Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest ...
The rules are ....
1.) Please follow your host Clairejustineoxox by any or all of the above...
2.) Please follow your co-host Judy H-J's Thoughts by any or all of the above and don't forget to let us know so we can follow back...
3.Link up your Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest pages...
4. Please check out others on the hop and follow ones you like....
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and JUDY H-J'S THOUGHTS where you can link up all your creative posts each week.
Rice and peas is usually a part of the Sunday dinner and on special occasions here in my homeland, Jamaica. Below is an easy recipe from
Serves: 4-5
1 medium sized can red kidney beans
1 can of coconut milk
2 cups of rice
1 small onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon oil
1 scotch bonnet pepper (whole, do not chop up)
Drain the liquid from the can of beans into a measuring cup and add the can of coconut milk and enough water to make four cups of liquid. Place liquids in a pot with beans, onions, garlic, thyme and oil, bring to a boil. Add rice and stir for a minute. Reduce heat to Medium-Low. Place scotch bonnet pepper on top of liquid and cover tightly for 30 minutes or until rice is cooked. Remove scotch bonnet pepper before serving.
This recipe can also be made using other peas.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I have been tagged by a number of Bloggers and due to a variety of reasons there has been quite a delay in getting the posts done. Well, over the next few weeks I hope to at least answer the questions so that persons can get to know more about me. What better time than after 1 year of Blogging. I was tagged by Brandi from Yee Wittle Things so here are my answers to her questions.
1. What's a goal you've accomplished in life that you're most proud of?
Becoming a published writer as I have had articles published in Jamaican and international publications.
2. What's a goal that you WISH to accomplish that you haven't yet?
I hope that some day I will be able to publish a book. At this time I am thinking that it will be one about being twins and becoming twinless. No surprise there I am sure.
3. What is your go-to comfort food when needed?
I am not sure I have a go-to-comfort food but I guess if I really think about it ice-cream and chocolate would be included!:)
4. Do you sleep on the left side, right side or middle of the bed?
I sleep on the right side.
5. If you had $1, 000, 000 to donate to any charity, which would you choose and why?
It would definitely be to any charity to do with cancer and heart disease. This is because I lost my twin sister and brother to these diseases.
6. What is your favourite room in your house and why?
My bedroom. Not because I like to sleep but that is where I have most of my things including my computer!
7. If you were stranded on an island, what ONE item would you wish to have with you?
My Bible or an inspirational book.
8. If a genie gave you 3 wishes, what would they be? To have my twin sister and brother Sutcliffe with me again. However realistically I would wish for a long period of real peace of mind.
9. What's your favourite season of the year and why?
Spring as there are a lot of flowers and birds and it is not too hot or cold.
10. Are you a coffee or tea person?
I am neither a coffee or tea person. I am a cocoa person. I drink it in the morning and at night.
11. Are you a pet person? If so, what's your favourite pet to have? If not, why?
Over the years, I have always had dogs as pets.
12. What is your most cherished, sentimental item you own? My special photo albums!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Hello and welcome to 7 Ways Wednesday Blog Hop where you can add the link you want to find new followers for.Add your blog or link and state how you want to be followed in your title e.g fun for all-twitter ,7 ways you would like to be followed by Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest ...
The rules are ....
1.) Please follow your host Clairejustineoxox by any or all of the above...
2.) Please follow your co-host Judy H-J's Thoughts by any or all of the above and don't forget to let us know so we can follow back...
3.Link up your Linky Tools,Google Friends Connect,Google +,Networked blogs,Facebook,Twitter or Pinterest pages...
4. Please check out others on the hop and follow ones you like....
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Hello and welcome to Creative Mondays hosted by Clairejustineoxox and JUDY H-J'S THOUGHTS where you can link up all your creative posts each week.
On March 4, 2011 I finally took the plunge and started this blog. It was an idea that I toyed with for some time and 1 year later I do not regret having made this decision. It was supposed to be part of my healing journey after losing my identical twin sister Janine but on this first anniversary I am dealing with yet another loss as my brother Sutcliffe died on December 28, 2011. It may not be the easiest of times for me but blogging has helped me so much. I celebrate my blog's birthday and say a big thank you for the wonderful support I have received from many persons.
Below are 3 collages that I have created from pictures that have appeared on this blog over the year:-
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Want to link up?
1.) Link up your Crafty, Recipe, DIY, Fashion, Creative writing, Photo, Family, Tutorials,
Favourite, Helpful,Make-up, Outfit or anything creative posts here...
2.) Link as many posts up as you like....
3.) Please visit a few posts and leave comments....
4.) It would be great if you could grab the Creative Monday button and place it somewhere on your blog...
5.) We would love for you to follow some way by GFC, Google+, Facebook, Twitter or Email. Please leave a comment so we can follow back...
Happy Creative Monday and have a great week!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
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