Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Time For Gratitude

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates this holiday.  I think it is always good to give thanks. It is not a holiday in my homeland, Jamaica, but I take time out to give thanks for my relatives and friends, the wonderful persons I have met online, the strides I have made in my writing and blogging this year, the strength and courage I have had in facing health challenges and the departed loved ones who have left me with with special memories.  In that mode I share one of my favourite quotations- "Gratitude is the best attitude."

   What are you most thankful for this year?  How are you celebrating Thanksgiving 2013?                       
Linking with :- Thursday Two Questions,Thumping Thursday Blog Hop,Thursday Favourite Things,Thursday Thoughts Linky PartyInspire Us Thursday Linky Party,Friendship Friday,Four Seasons Blog Hop,The Weekend Blog Hop,Sincerely Paula's No Rules Weekend Blog Party,The Blog Strut Peacock Style,Friday Follow Along Blog HopFriday Favourites,T.G.I.F. Linky PartyWeekend Wonders,Follow Who? Social Weekend Blog HopLovin' The Readers Blog Hop,I Love My Post Blog Hop,Fun Friday Blog Hop,Make My Saturday Sweet,Show Off Weekend Blog Party,Freedom FridaysHearts For Home Blog Hop,Weekends Are FunLet's Be Friends Blog Hop,Weekend Block Party and Super Sunday Sync.                                               


Covenant Grace said...

I am so thankful for my God, my family, and all of my family that I have via the internet. Happy Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

Definitely a lot to be thankful for Trinity Grace. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving.

Sandee said...

What a lovely post on gratitude.

I am most thankful for my family. I think family is by far the most special people in our lives. They always come first.

Hubby and I do all the cooking for Thanksgiving. We've spent today prepping for tomorrow. The turkey is ready for the oven. The dressing is made and ready for the oven. The pies are baked. Tomorrow it's just getting everything together and then...enjoying our family.

Have a fabulous day Judy. ♥♥♥

Unknown said...

Family is so important Sandee! I am feeling hungry thinking of all the things you have prepared!:) I wish you and your family a Very Happy Thanksgiving!

Maria said...

judy, you are so kind and thoughtful...thank you for the sweet wishes!! and thank you for being such a sweet friend! i hope that the rest of this week and this upcoming weekend bring you lots of peace and happiness. thinking about you and always keeping you in my prayers. <3<3<3

Winnie said...

Although here we do not celebrate this holiday, I think it's a very meaningful one.
But you know every day(!) when we wake up in the morning the 1st thing we do is to say a special thank you to G-od

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

Unknown said...

You are so right Winnie! Every day is a gift from God. We do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Jamaica but I think it is a great idea to have such a holiday. Have a wonderful Thursday.

Unknown said...

Thanks a lot Maria! This is going to be such a special Thanksgiving for you. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Steve and Piper. I look forward to reading all about it and seeing the beautiful pictures. Lots of Love, Friendship and Best Wishes always.

mail4rosey said...

Gratitude is the best attitude, and I love your post. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Rosey! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Jill Flinton said...

I am thankful for my husband and children and my new found "family".

Unknown said...

Definitely to be grateful for Jill! Happy Thanksgiving!

XmasDolly said...

Happy Thanksgiving my friend! I am so thankful for your friendship also. You are such a thoughtful talented person & we have much in common. I to collect many things like you, but some day I'll tell you a sad story about that, but today is not a day for sad stories. Hubby & I celebrated alone today and cooked together a very tasty spiral ham & we watched an old tape the I did when we first moved into our home, and remodeled it. It was so fun 12 yrs. ago today. We got our humble abode. It was great just him and I. All the kids married and on their own. Ahhhhhhh Now they bring the grandkids and we spoil them and send them home. bwahahahahahaha SO WHAT'S FOR DESSERT? hehehehe HUGS, MARIE

XmasDolly said...

Sorry I forgot to say that our family Thanksgiving with Turkey is Saturday when all my babies... well half my babies will be here. My youngest lives in Missouri and won't be here, and youngest son is out of town too. Oh well. Have a great evening. I'll have that slice of pumpkin pie now! hehehehe

Unknown said...

Thanks for your kind comments Marie1 I am happy that you and your husband have been enjoying Thanksgiving Day. It is really great that we met through blogging. Enjoy the rest of your week.

Unknown said...

I am glad that some of your children will be over to celebrate for the weekend Marie. Enjoy your pumpkin pie! Lots of Love, Friendship and Best wishes to you and your family.

An Apel a Day said...

We sent the day at my aunt's house with cousins, kids, and grandparents. Then we went downtown to see the lighting of the area. They had a free concert after that.

Cathy Kennedy said...

I have much to be thankful for, but my most thankful is my improved health this year. God really watched over me during a rough period this spring/summer. As for celebrating Thanksgiving, we do like many American families prepare a huge fest and gather together in the loving warmth of our family - a very big reason to be thankful. Thanks for being my friend and for your frequent visits!

Unknown said...

I am glad that you and your family had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Alissa!

Unknown said...

I am happy that your health has improved Cathy and I hope you continue to feel better. I am also happy that we met through blogging and wish you all the very best.

Christina Morley said...

Hi Judy! Thanks for always linking so faithfully and leaving friendly comments. I don't know how you keep up the pace. I certainly am not able to. I love your gratitude post today and hope that you are feeling much better soon. God bless! Tina

Unknown said...

Thank you for your kind comments Tina! It is always good to hear from you. Have a great weekend.

Theresa Mahoney said...

What a wonderful quote! I am thankful for family, good friends, and chocolate.

Unknown said...

Definitely worth being thankful for Theresa! Have a good weekend.

Jennie said...

Great post! Happy Thanksgiving!

Come link up with me today!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jennie! I am heading over to link up now. Enjoy your weekend.

Claire Justine said...

Lovely Judy, have a great weekend :) thanks for joining the hop...

Unknown said...

Thanks Claire! I also wish you a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Beautiful post. That is on of my favorite quotes too. :)

I'm thankful for friends and family. I don't know what I'd do without their support!!

Katie said...

I am thankful for a lot, for God my family, a home. I agree we should be thankful everyday. Have a wonderful weekend!

jviola79 said...

This was such a sweet post. I am trying to be more intentional with being thankful. Now focusing on this Advent season and focusing on the One who has come. So do not want to miss the true reason we celebrate. I visited from Make My Saturday Sweet this morning.

Unknown said...

So true Katie! Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks Camille! Have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks for visiting and sharing your wonderful comment Joanne! Have a great weekend.

Lynn Blaylock said...

I reference Thanksgiving as my favorite holiday; a time for family and loved ones and most of all love of God. To live everyday with a thankful heart will cure a multitude of problems. It's nice to meet you. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks Lynn! A wonderful holiday with so much meaning. It is nice to meet you too. I will be heading over to your blog today.

Colette S said...

I love that quote about gratitude.

With our financial situation: I'm most thankful for healthy bodies, roof over our heads and food on the table.

Happy Weekend Judy.

Unknown said...

Thanks Colette! My best wishes to you you and have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

Happy Holidays! Thanks for sharing at Whatever Wednesday on Thank You Honey!

Unknown said...

Thanks Sarah! Happy Holidays to you too.

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